Privacy Notice

In accordance with the Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de Particulares [Federal Law on the protection of personal data held by private individuals], we BRINX S.A. de C.V. with notifying address Hospital #2445 Col. Ladrón de Guevara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Zip Code 44600 are hereby notifying you how we will be processing your personal data, which you have provided us with or will provide us with corresponding to identification, academic, employment and migration data, related to the position selection and recruitment process.

Data Collected

For the purposes mentioned above, we will be obtaining from you the following personal info:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Age
  • Birth date
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Education Degree
  • Work Information, historic place of work data & current work status
  • Marital Status
  • VAT / TAX / RFC number
  • Social Security number / Clave única de Registro de Población (CURP)
  • Banking Info (Suppliers)

Data Process and Control Obligations

BRINX will be responsible of all info gathered and processed that you provide to us, in order to perform all the services requested and hired to be done.

Final Objective Of Your Personal Info Gathered

Your information will be used according to this Private Notice terms and conditions, and this info can / may be used for different purposes, such as:

  • Provide all services and products request from you
  • Inform you about all changes done to services or products requested from you
  • Give you update about information or services related to your services requested
  • Serve your requirements
  • Surveys and Evaluations, both internal and external
  • Sending information regarding to promotional products
  • Making reports and statistics requested by Mexican Authorities and Foreign as well
  • Sharing and transferring data among third parties in direct relationship with BRINX to perform the services or products that you have requested.

Data Transmission

In order to accomplish all the services hired to be done, there will be the possibility that all your info gathered information will be used and transferred to 3rd parties. Correlated companies to BRINX such as mailing, carriers, logistics companies and any other intermediated company that is involved in the process of pursuing the product or service requested from you.

If you don’t express your inconformity to this data / info transmission, then it will be understood among all interested parties that full permission is granted for the purposes intended; transmission of data will / may be used also in the following cases:

  • For all the purposes of services that BRINX provide, and that you are aware of.
  • In each and all cases stated in Mexican Law.
  • Statistics purposes, internal and external logistics, product delivery supervision as well full supervision to give top quality of product and services provided.

Access Rights, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition

The owner of personal gathered info gathered can exercise his/her right to Access, Rectification, Cancellation or Opposition as well the right permit revocation, in accordance to the following regulation:

The owner of the personal gathered info will be obligated to personal contact, postal service use or by the same conducts of this Privacy Notice to give a written notice ,letter in which the following info will need to be expressed: Full name of info owner, address, precise description of the specific info in which he/she wants to exercise the rights mentioned above; this letter will need to be signed and delivered or presented along with a copy of a personal ID to BRINX´s office, located in: Hospital #2445, Col. Ladrón de Guevara, Guadalajara, Jalisco, MEXICO 44600, office phone number 3330 93 86. Also, request cab be emailed to Brinx will have the right to exercise partially the service requested from you.

Communication and Modification of the Privacy Notice

BRINX has the full right to implement any modification or update to present Privacy Notice at any time. In order to check these modifications, please log to

Document Update Date

October, 2016